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Yesterday Thomas posted a comment asking if a symptom could guide him to one of the I Ching Prescriptions. When I wrote these Prescriptions I was thinking of the 64 I Ching hexagrams with their ancient collective wisdom one could use for guidance for the situation one needed at the moment. The word symptom generally refers to physical ailments which is when we usually get a prescription. And now there are many people taking mood altering prescriptions for depression and anxiety.

Thomas asked if the I Ching could deal with a broken heart which is an emotional “ailment.” I immediately thought of hexagram 23, Splitting Apart, because that is when I have experienced a broken heart. Because the I Ching is always a subjective experience, depending on the person seeking the guidance, I then realized that one may experience a broken heart from events in situations other than Splitting Apart.

I will post here the Prescription for Splitting Apart in a jpg format so the reader gets an idea of how the Prescriptions look in their “pill” form. If anyone experienced a broken heart from another situation, let me know and I will check to see if the Prescription makes sense and post it. This is interesting research.

Prescription for Splitting apart


10 Comments on Prescription for Splitting Apart

  1. […] Prescription for Splitting Apart […]

  2. TrishNo Gravatar says:

    Can’t recall now. But my sense was forget the trip, it wouldn’t be worth the expense!

  3. TrishNo Gravatar says:

    This evening I asked a question about a trip to the UK concerning the UK version of 7 secrets. Got a resounding hexagram 23. That trip is now off the table for good!

    • Trish – did you get any changing lines? I don’t know the nature of your question so my comment here may not be relevant but can’t help sometimes thinking of splitting apart like in taking a trip. At times when I ask a question I can interpret the response in equal but opposite views. Of course, later all is revealed.

      • JaliyaNo Gravatar says:

        I’m wondering about changing lines too. I often think of Hexagram 23 as ‘pruning down to the basics’ … Sometimes this hexagram suggests that something needs to be cut away from a whole so that the whole can survive … Perhaps, like Adele suggests, the ‘splitting apart’ might seem to indicate that the trip would be a definitive move. Is there something in your life, Trish, that you need to end so that something else can begin?

  4. TrishNo Gravatar says:

    Loving your book, Adele.

  5. JaliyaNo Gravatar says:

    Adele, this knocks my socks off! 😀

    More later — I want to ponder what you’ve created here 🙂

  6. Love this! It’s exactly why your book is so good and shouldl be a must on every I Ching lovers shelf.

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