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Guest post by Katya Walter, PhD

From her book, Tao of Chaos Patterns, Chapter 13, Section 5  (ebook)

Tao of Chaos PatternsThis TOE suggests that the deep-level structure of primal space, time, matter, and energy is fractal. A source code turns this primal foursome into a pair of polarized pairs: space and time become the universal carrier pair, and matter and energy become the universal contents pair.

Space and time stay dependable in their task of containerizing matter and energy. These containerized contents continually flux in their specific details. Old configurations of matter and energy decay in the container of space and time, but then morph into emerging new events.

Mind itself, above and below the Planck level, helps shape the thrust of this process. Information crosses the central threshold of the Planck level. This threshold separates the two conjoined twins of a double bubble universe. Each twin bubble has its own dependable 4D space/time container that holds its matter/energy contents with evolving specific details.

The conjoined twins also interrelate constantly across the Planck level. They carry on a continual conversation at the Planck level. To do so, they use a fractal code based on vertical and horizontal period 3 windows. A shorthand version of this code exists in the I Ching’s trigrams and hexagrams, which are holographically resonant to reality itself.

Our universe consists of both twins together, It is holographically resonant and exhibits chaotic flow in a complex, non-repeating pattern. This means that you may be able to predict the general fractal carrier form of a chaos pattern—but not its specific contents. A minor event in one place can have huge, seemingly unrelated consequences elsewhere.

A modern weather forecast is rather like a message from the ancient I Ching oracle. Both the weather forecast and the I Ching message speak more about the fractal carrier form of a qualitative dynamic rather than the quantitative load of its specific details. The ancient Chinese enshrined this “butterfly effect” in the saying, “I wave my left hand, and the whole world moves.”

Likewise, the ancient Chinese believed that consulting the I Ching oracle helps you foresee and weather the emotions of life better. It won’t predict the quantitative details of an emotional hail storm or tornado or drought or rainbow that’s upcoming, only its general qualitative dynamic for your life.

In both cases, a forecast on either physical or emotional weather, you’re provided with a basic outline of the dynamic in its fractal form, but the unique details must be filled by living through it as you make your free will choices. The advantage here is that at least you now have a heads-up.

Perhaps you scoff, thinking, “How can consulting some old oracle possibly give me a true answer?”

Well, consider this possibility: a hexagram answer embodies the principle of co-chaos patterning generated between domains. It succinctly describes the dynamic of an event occurring in mattergy over space and time, yet it still lets you fill in the specific details with your own free will. It even describes this dynamic using both a verbal analogy and a mathematical shorthand.

This TOE suggests that the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching resonate with the universal source code. That cryptic shorthand reflects the fractal dynamic that is embedded in the great hologram of reality. Each hexagram is a miniature model for this paradigm.

Each hexagram holds a pair of trigrams. Each trigram has three lines or “3 dimensions” that indicate a specific dynamic organizing its own domain, above or below, on a p-tree. A hidden bond or 4th dimension in each domain attracts the two trigrams to each other. Together they develop a co-chaos pattern that bonds the two trigrams across domains.

This is a miniature version of what happens to our double bubble universe with four dimensions in each domain, above and below the Planck level—plus 4 more tiny dimensions that create the attraction hidden right inside the Planck level.
What a gift from the master code! For more on this, see the third volume of this series, Double Bubble Universe.

Tapping into the I Ching gives you a way to get an insight on the fractal dynamics of our universe. It helps you perceive and adjust your own fit in it. Your I Ching answer is complex and nuanced. Understanding it encourages developing a subtle, associative mindset.

An I Ching answer is a far cry indeed from the mere flat, dogmatic, binary right or wrong, yes or no, that we have come to expect on a pop quiz and we currently demand in a law court. Learning to understand the I Ching is necessarily an experiential voyage into exploring your own life and psyche.

This exercise is pumping iron for the subtle body. It resides in the universal patterning and will reside there it long after your physical body is gone.

Katya Walter has a Ph.D. with an interdisciplinary emphasis from the University of Texas at Austin. She spent 5 years of post-doctoral study at the Jung Institute of Zurich, and a year of post-study in China. She taught in colleges and universities in the USA and abroad for sixteen years before focusing on writing and lecturing. She has presented numerous workshops on the I Ching, Chaos Theory, Synchronicity, and Dreams in the United States and Europe. Katya is author of the Touching God’s TOE series of books. She also authored an accompanying handbook called Dream Mail – designed for contemplating the deeper structure of dreams. It discusses the fractal messages that are carried in the symbolism of dreams and how to interpret dreams for daily life.

12 Comments on Why the I Ching Works

  1. Clarke C. Odden, DCNo Gravatar says:

    Katya, Not very tech savvy- I sincerely hope I am reaching you. Have read multiple times- Tao Of Chaos-and DB Universe.I am long time student of I Ching.- Would love to meet you when I come to Austin in October of ’15. I am a practicing DC of many years and a lifetime metaphysician. I wanted to mention an article of which you might already be aware in the recent July Scientific American–Quest for the Enormous Theorem. I certainly do not underestand it but I am aware internally that its underpinnings have pertinence to your studies of mathematics and the I Ching. That’s all, really. I VERY much appreciate your work and contribution to my growth. Thank you. CCO

  2. peter gNo Gravatar says:

    Here is that article I referred to previously :

    ”The Curious Meaning Behind The Tai Chi or Yin-Yang Symbol?

    by Randy Enman on Friday, January 29, 2010 at 2:48am

    Consider the duality symbolized by the Yin-Yang or Tai Chi symbol. Dark within light, light within dark – their union symbolizing the whole, a visual analogy for dark and light existing in our realities and each necessary for the existence of the other. From the beginning, Chinese philosophy saw the cosmos as organized into unity, duality, and a transcendent third principle of change. This synergy is symbolized in the Tai Chi.

    Although this Tai Chi Symbol is familiar to many, some may not realize that the white stands for an emerging foreground, while the black stands for it’s containing background. Basically the Tai Chi depicts the modern idea of active field and passive ground. Yang and yin are complementary necessities to each other. Bright yang cannot actively emerge without a dark background; yin cannot passively contain without having something to hold. One cannot exist without the other. They do not fight as in Western thought; instead they enable each other to exist

    The Tai Chi’s dot of white within the black, and of black within white, symbolizes the dynamic potential for the forces to change into each other – meaning that the background can rise into the foreground by giving it attention, as meanwhile the foreground will recede into the background of attention.

    Consider the familiar vase/faces of gestalt psychology. You may suppose that in this image, white symbolizes the actively emerging yang foreground, while black symbolizes a passively holding yin background. But that isn’t quite the case, for if it were so, then you would only see the black faces and never the white vase.

    This black white color coding of yin and yang is actually just a convention that dates from the old days of China before the depiction of motion was possible with film, television, computers, and such. In those static old days, white conveniently symbolized an emergence into foreground, while black symbolized a retreat into the background. But the truth is, if your eyes are focusing on faces, then the faces are yang; but if your eyes are focusing on the vase, then that-the vase-is yang.

    Hermann Hakan notes this alternation in patterned chaos when he says that there are two attractor points – vase and faces – and the viewing eye switches back and forth between them at an essentially unpredictable rate. Vase and faces are merely the attractor points that sit in the two wells of possibility.

    This shifting focus is what is implied by the dots of opposite color in the Tai Chi – it represents an ongoing flow of perpetual energy that is polarized into alternating between field and ground.

    Yang is really whatever stands out to grab your attention. Yin is whatever contains it. And when your mind eventually realizes that both partners together create the whole – as in the Tai Chi – then you achieve transcendence over the parts.

    Duality in the ancient Chinese system means two complementary conditions which transform into a higher level of unity by transcending the old polarity.

    “Tao of Chaos” – Katya Walter -pgs 57-58

    That is a pretty good explanation of Tai Chi or Yin and Yang that really opened my eyes! Pretty cool! ”

  3. peter gNo Gravatar says:

    Last november I saved an article I liked the look of, by Randy Enman, for future reference. It was called ‘The curious meaning behind the tai chi symbol’.I thought he wrote the article but recently I raalised he was quoting from Katyas original Tao of Chaos.

    I hadn’t realised the advantage of the e-book over print until now in that you can set up links directly to further material and widen the scope of the book so much more.

    I like to read chapters from the Tao of Chaos Patterns in no particular order as the mood dictates.I find lots of the ideas interesting.

    Yes I would definitely be interested in seeing the next volume.
    I was wondering about it already.


  4. Katya WalterNo Gravatar says:

    PS – re Christina Rossetti – I meant to say her work is “oh so simple, yet so true ” but I glitched and left out a word.

  5. Katya WalterNo Gravatar says:

    Hi Peter,

    Thanks for your interesting reply. I appreciate your taking the time to read Tao of Chaos Patterns and giving me feedback. Yes, often scientists do mistake a meaningful connection for mere coincidence.

    Metaphysical mermaid – what a nice thought! I like that notion. I’ll keep it in mind when I go deep-see diving.

    I might save your idea of adding those yin +yang expansions for a later book – one that involves more math. It’s a good suggestion, but I’ve tried to keep Tao of Chaos Patterns in a tone of general interest for readers. Sometimes math scares people off. But then, sometimes so does the I Ching!

    I’m not familiar with The Tao of I Ching (Way to Divination) by Jou Tsung Hua. I will look it up.

    Yes, I agree that Catholic thought, indeed, Western thought, appears to be moving toward a wider embrace of the feminine side of things. Hooray!

    Yes, I do know that poem by Rossetti…but I hadn’t associated it with the trigram of Wood Wind. My mother used to read me Rossetti when I was a child. Rossetti is one of my favorite poets. Her turn of words is o simple, yet so true.

    I wonder if you would be interested at looking at the next volume – Tao of Chaos Mind and Matter – when I get it finished with it?

    Best wishes,
    Katya Walter

    The Tao cannot be seen,
    It cannot be heard.
    And yet it cannot be exhausted.

    Tao Te Ching

  6. peter gNo Gravatar says:

    Hi Katya
    The pdf file is fine and I’ve got a printout which I prefer for close study.
    Some initial impressions :

    You might like to consider including some actual expansions of (yin +
    yang) ^n , such as
    ( yin + yang ) ^0 expands to the tai chi symbol.
    ( yin + yang ) ^3 exp. to 1.yin^3 + 3.yin^2.yang^1 + 3.yin^1.yang^2
    + 1.yang^3
    ( yin + yang ) ^6 exp. to 1.yin^6 + 6.yin^5.yang^1 + 15.yin^4.yang^2
    + 20.yin^3.yang^3 + 15.yin^2.yang^4 + 6.yin^1.yang^5 + 1.yang^6

    Not many authors seem to discuss the I Ching as a binomial expansion
    and the bell curve distribution of the hexagrams.Two who do are :

    Hou Wenxi in The Book of Changes and Statistics.
    Its a free download online or go to thread 12904 ( sitemap searchbox
    12904 ) at Onlineclarity where Luis Andrade has set up a link.
    I did not get a lot out of it and its totally unsourced but its worth a look.

    Also available as a free pdf online and easier to find is The Tao of I
    Ching ( Way to Divination ) by Jou Tsung Hua.
    He actually uses the expression ( yin + yang ) ^6
    ( The book also has some really interesting line drawings
    accompanying all the hexagrams)

    I myself like the combined science – metaphysics approach in the Tao
    of Chaos Patterns. Physicists who take a purely scientific approach to
    Chaos are not likely to have much regard for the I Ching and they tend
    to dismiss the correspondences between the different fields as a
    coincidence of the power of two.

    As a fan of meditation I like the deep – see diving technique for
    exploring structures, making you perhaps a ‘metaphysical mermaid’ ? I
    am reminded of the far eastern and Pacific women divers who harvested
    shellfish from the seafloor.They developed amazing diving abilities
    and techniques and they probably contributed to the mermaid lore of
    sea-weary sailors.

    I particularly like what you had to say about the invisible,
    self-effacing trigram wood wind ( p64). Do you know the poem ” Who
    has seen the wind ” by Christina Rossetti ?
    Some lady at Onlineclarity asked the oracle ‘ Is there a God ‘ ( title
    of thread ) and she got the intriguing response hexagram 44 unmoving.I
    think you are spot- on associating the feminine with the Holy Spirit.
    CatholicTheology seems to be swinging in that direction and there are
    rumors of future developments in that area.The Chinese would have no
    trouble assoc.a mighty wind with the feminine.

    I recommend ” The Tao of Chaos Patterns ” and subsequent volumes
    to Yijingers who want to learn something about Chaos and fractals and
    more and how they relate to the I Ching.


  7. TrishNo Gravatar says:

    Fascinating post. This books sounds like a must read for I Ching addicts.

  8. peter gNo Gravatar says:

    Hi Katya
    Yes I’d like to see the material.Can’t promise you a quick response though.I became aware of the Iching-PT link while working on I ching probabilities. Adele might have a copy of the hand-written probability charts where you will see PT all over the place.(or check them out at Onlineclarity,I ching news where you will find a link )
    The details of your article are a little over my head but the general theme is certainly my cup of tea.

  9. peter gNo Gravatar says:

    That should have been binomial expansion not equation.
    I think PT demonstrates the underlying fractal structure of the I Ching lines.( yin + yang )^6 expands into the 64 hexagrams.

    • Katya WalterNo Gravatar says:

      Hey Peter,
      Yes, I agree that Pascal’s Triangle has binomial expansion that can be compared to I Ching structure. And it certainly is fractal. I talk about this, especially in Chapter 6 of the ebook—Tao Of Chaos Patterns—that I am getting ready to load into the iTunes Bookstore. If you’re interested in seeing it and telling me what you think of it, especially any points you feel are unclear or incorrect, I can always use feedback. Reply that Adele can send me your email address, and I will send you a copy by YouSendIt. Deal?

      And tea time is always good.

  10. Thanks Peter. I don’t understand what you are but I appreciate you taking the time to comment. Probably Katya will.

  11. peter gNo Gravatar says:

    Pascals Triangle is a binomial equation : ( x + y ) ^ N. As is the I Ching : ( yin + yang )^ N. You can see the fractal structure of PT when you shade the odd numbers dark (to get the Sierpinski Triangle. Check out the ‘Chaos Game’ which randomly generates the ST ).
    For the yin yang symbol N is zero. For the trigrams N IS 3 AND 6 for the hexagrams. People ask why we stop after 6 lines. But I think we just have a teabreak every six lines.

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