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Earlier this month at the request of Kim Gould, I posted a discussion about Hexagrams 63, After Completion and the issue of why did it come before Hexagram 64, Before Completion. I received a comment from Luis Andrade in which he said, “It can be argued ‘why then 64 isn’t the first hex in the sequence?’ Because 64, in a sense, represents primordial chaos. But it isn’t a linear concept. It is circular. When the wheel continues turning, it starts with the seeds of a new order in the form of Heaven and Earth hexagrams.”

Then when Luis said that he would love to see what I would create for a circular graphic I took his comment as a challenge and created such a diagram of the Hexagrams. Looking at them that way makes a lot of sense to my visual mind.

I remember seeing such a diagram somewhere on the Internet and thought I would find it. But I didn’t. So I’m posting the one I created.  I turned in into a poster that can be bought at Zazzle in various sizes.  If you click on the image here it will take you to the page where you see it more closely.

Thanks Luis.

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10 Comments on Circular Chart of I Ching Hexagrams

  1. I ‘ m still without breathing , A ! Its a WONDER , Your Work here . The Perfection of the Colours . The Division of the Internal Space inside the Circle_Cycle , including the Hexagrams , their Meaning in Chinese , their Correlation with the Numbers .
    I agree totally with the Proposition above . The 64 , which represents already the ‘ Chaos ‘ which is prior to the New Order , that I see , as well , as Seeds . The 63 , is the Completion of the Cycle , the Forces which will fade , once accomplished , alouding the Seeds to give growth to the New . So , as I see as well , its a non-linear Concept , Idea , Movement , once its obviouslly Circular . As it is actually indicated already at the 1 , the First Hexagram . Its implicit the Cycle which will follow further .
    But Your Concept of the Development of the Colours Shades is a Real Creation . It goes , at its Beginning , from the Purpur , which is born from the Junction or Merge of the Blue and Red , then comes the Blue itself , followed by the Green , Yellow , Orange , Red , but in such a Subtle Change in Nuances , that One can hardly perceive . And the Red , which was ‘ supposed ‘ to be before the Violet is at the Point_End of the ‘ Rays ‘ , which begins at the Center and indicates that the Beginning will meet the End , that theres neither Beginning nor End . Its implicit that the Red was merged with the Blue before they develop in Violet .The whole Philosophy of the I GING is already there . The Meeting of Heavens and Earth , at the Beginning of the Creation , before the WORD , which is the Yin-Yang Symbol at the Center .
    BUT I could never imagine You could be such a DIVINE GENIOUS like this !
    Its PERFECTLY done . In all levels of Appreciation .
    Congratulations , A !

    With all my Respect ,


  2. […] I will include here again the image to be included in the book as well as a link to the original post. […]

  3. Really interesting post..Iam very much appreciated through reading your site..this article offers provided a useful info..Thanks for the actual info given..

  4. JaliyaNo Gravatar says:

    Adele, what a beautiful mandala! My eye was drawn right in. The sense of blue light radiating outward is mesmerizing 🙂

    I like the circular design — it makes intrinsic sense. I often consider “mini-sequences” during a reading … and this circle implies beginnings, endings, and all in between — from any point. Beautiful.
    .-= Jaliya´s last blog ..Why I love the I Ching =-.

  5. What a great poster. First time I have been to your blog and glad I did. I dabbled with the I Ching many years back and reading this has made me want to get out my books again. Thanks!
    .-= 67 Not Out (Mike Perry)´s last blog ..A Double Or A Doppelganger Coincidence =-.

    • AdeleNo Gravatar says:

      Hi Mike,

      Thanks for the comment and please do come back. I’m about to post a free PDF I Ching Record Book for you to use. Soon I hope. Everything takes me a lot longer to do than I think it will.

  6. Hi Adele,

    Lovely circle of the King Wen Sequence. Though its weld point at hex 64/hex 1 is a bit of a jump.
    An even more insightful hexagram wheel comes with the 60 hexagrams from hex 3 to hex 62 for a total of 360 lines.

    Then that hexagram wheel has four cardinal points representing Heaven and Earth in the vertical dimension and hex 63 and hex 64 in the horizontal.

    A simpler explanation for hex 63 After C or The Morning After
    and hex 64 or Eve is that Yang lines are odd numbers and Yin lines are even numbers. The hexagram with its Yin and Yang lines in the even and odd places (first line odd number thus Yang and 6th line even thus Yin) is hex 63. Those in their exactly opposite places, first line Yin and 6th line Yang is hex 64.

    My fluxtome page on my website explains the entire I Ching that simply.


    • AdeleNo Gravatar says:

      Dr. Frank,

      Thanks for your response. I like the idea of having 360 lines – Oh O – do I now have to make another chart? Maybe. I will check out your site.


  7. AdeleNo Gravatar says:

    Thanks Luis,

    I’m working on a bunch of things. I’m not very linear myself so while I appear not to be doing anything for a while, it is because I’m moving around my own circle and then all of a sudden they get “born.” More stuff soon.

    .-= Adele´s last blog ..Circular Chart of I Ching Hexagrams =-.

  8. Luis AndradeNo Gravatar says:

    Hi Adele,

    Beautiful graphic! Well done indeed. I should find the time to comment more here and wait for more visual results such as this one… 🙂

    Thank you.

    Best wishes.


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